August Virtual Drawing Party

Our monthly Ecological Design Collective social events continue in August with an online drawing party. If you’re new to the EDC, or would just appreciate…

EDC EVENT: “Highway to Nowhere” Walking Tour

Walking Tour Start: Walgreens 300 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Baltimore, Maryland

Join us for a walking tour of Baltimore's infamous "Highway to Nowhere" (H2NOW)—the 1.4 mile ditch that displaced nearly 1,500 residents and separates neighborhoods in…


Join Us for a Thoughtful Thursday

Red Emma's 3128 Greenmount Avenue, Baltimore, MD, United States

Within hours of circling the Thanksgiving dinner table and reflecting on “what we are thankful for,” Americans are bombarded by department store circulars and flashing…


Tide Pool Social: Passages for a New Year [IN PERSON]

Red Emma's 3128 Greenmount Avenue, Baltimore, MD, United States

Have you reckoned a thousand acres much? Have you reckoned the earth much? Have you practiced so long to learn to read? Have you felt…


Virtual Tide Pool Social: Eco-Sketches

Log in and draw/ collage flora and fauna that are meaningful to you! Join our February virtual social gathering on February 21st at noon ET,…


EDC Book Club: Slow Down by Kohei Saito

Join the EDC Book Club this month for a discussion of a new book on the degrowth movement by Japanese philosopher and political ecologist Kohei…
